As we've set out toward this next season, our focus has been solely on trusting and obeying the Lord, no matter what the cost. We knew that as we set out on this journey, people would think we were crazy, as well as even disagree with us saying that this step was not a financially responsible and wise decision for our family.
I understand. I understand how this would be people's perception and I understand how they wouldn't get why we would sacrifice everything to follow where we believe the Lord is leading us to go. And I understand that most of the concern from people is found in truly just wanting what's best for us, because they love us. However, we, wholeheartedly disagree with what many people believe to be the "best" thing for our lives. We believe that the "best" is found in nothing less than obedience to our Savior and King, no matter what the cost. This is the picture in 1 Corinthians, where Paul pleads with the Corinthians not to be arrogant with what they have, but rather to imitate him in following Christ (4:16). He even goes so far as to say that "his dedication to Christ makes him look like a fool! (v.10)". Now, this is certainly where we find ourselves in the eyes of some folks, but we plead with you to imitate our faith by stepping out, not placing your weight on material things that will not matter in eternity.
My goal in this post, is to do two things: 1.) Clarify the reason that we asked each of you to support us and 2.) To plead with you, just as Paul in 1 Corinthians, to imitate the faith that God is working in us, with the understanding that faith is not just words, but faith requires action.
Over the past week, we've received tons of encouraging words from several people, but we've also received discouraging words as well. We've heard everything from " People will only support families because they feel sorry for them" to "How do you think you can just quit your job, and expect people to give you money when your not working." Again, although painful to hear, I completely understand how this could be the perception. However, again, I completely disagree that this is indeed the reality of what's going on. I would like to clarify, the one and only reason we've asked people to support us, but first, I would like to identifying now, some reasons that we are NOT asking you to give.
First, the reason we've asked you to give is not to support us while we're "not working." This mis-perception is that of me vegging out on a couch as I open envelopes that people have sent to support us. Terrible. In reality however, I'll actually be working 3 jobs: 1.) Working a part-time job in order to supplement our income 2.) Working at OneLife Church in Knoxville in order to gain church planting experience 3.) Working on the future church plant by laying a theological foundation for why and how the church will exist. A very different picture of vegging out and in fact, an almost overwhelming workload to do in just a year and a half before we'd begin to plant.
Second, the reason we've asked you to give is not that "you simply feel sorry for us". This mis-perception is one of our kids wasting away because they've not eaten in months or even that of us chasing a cute little childhood dream that makes you feel so empathic toward it's "cuteness" or "moral goodness" that you feel that you can't say no to giving.
Third, the reason we've asked you to give is not "If you give, you'll get to go to heaven" This mis-perception stands in direct contradiction to the Word of God itself, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Salvation is through Jesus alone and your giving will in no way give you merit when stand before Him.
Fourth, the reason we've asked you to give is not that you simply support Lindsey and I as people or as church planters. This mis-perception is one that finds itself dependent on the climate of our relationships with you or the success of the future church plant. In other words, when everything's good between us and/or the church plant is successful, then you'll be thankful that you supported us. But, when our relationship gets rocky and/or the church plant gets rocky, then you'll question your support for us.
Let me be clear: We don't want you to support us for any of the reasons above.
The one and only reason that we want you to support us is obedience to the Lord's leading your heart to be on mission with Him. We pray that God would stir your hearts out of delight for what He's done for you and is doing amongst the nations, that out of this delight, He would move you to obey Him if He tells you to support us.
It's here that we plead with you to imitate our faith. Faith is action. It's not just words. We don't have all the answers for the next season of our lives and it's obvious that God's going to have to do a work to provide for us, but we know that this is what the Lord's leading us to do and so, in our delight for what He's done for us and is doing amongst the nations, we simply step out on faith, but that faith is action.
Our prayer for you is that if the Lord's leading you to support us, then you would, in faith, take the step and obey Him. I don't know what your financial picture is, but I know that whether you're a millionaire or a high school student working your first minimum wage job, God delights, honors, and blesses obedience. God is overjoyed with those who obey Him. So we beg of you, if the Lord's working in your hearts to support us, in faith, obey God. Trust Him because He is faithful and He promises in 2 Cor. 9:10 that if you give, you will never run out of resources to keep on giving.
God wants to use many of you to provide for us in the work He's set before us. He wants to use His people to provide and care for His people in order that the Gospel would progress to all the earth. Will you join Him in His great work of salvation? Or will you turn your noses up with a myriad of excuses and miss out on the opportunity He's giving you to impact all of eternity? Please, if He's leading you to give, obey Him, not for our sake, but for His sake, that He would use us to make Him known because He truly is a good God and such a good God that 2 Corinthians 8:9 tells us, "For you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich."
We are so thankful to be rich in Jesus and so thankful that for His grace which enables us to obey Him. If the Lord's stirring your heart to give, will you, in faith, obey Him by going to onelifeknox.com/jr and join Him in His work in and through us!
In Christ,
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