Thursday, March 29, 2012
God is Pro-Vi-Ding!!!
We are blown away by God's faithfulness to move the hearts of his people to bless us so that we can do what we know the Lord has called us to do. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to all who have been obedient to the Lord's leading. We are humble, extremely grateful, and honored to partner with you in the work that God's placed before us. At this moment, we are only $8,374 away from our goal. Now you might be saying, "That's a lot of money to still raise!", BUT I invite you to step back with us and look at the big picture. One month ago we were standing before our church telling them what we believed the Lord wanted us to do and at that time, we needed to raise $20,000 in under two months. In other words, as of now, the Lord has worked through His people to provide $11,626 in JUST 1 MONTH!!!! WOW!!!! Every time I say it, it blows my mind! God truly is an Awesome God who is worthy to be praised and a God who can be trusted in all things!
We've got 2 weeks until we head to Knoxville and $8,374 left to raise. We are confident that God's going to provide. Is He wanting to provide through you? Do you have good intentions to partner with us, but just haven't got around to it yet, for one reason or another? Would you do it today? Would you do it now? If so, please go to and join Him today, in His work in and through us to reach the lost for His name's sake! We are so thankful for each of you. We covet your prayers, encouragement, and continued support as by God's grace, we take one step at a time, trying to trust and obey the Lord wherever He leads. May God continue to richly bless you and yours!
In Christ,
Monday, March 26, 2012
Are you afraid? Are you overwhelmed?
6 things to do when you're afraid and feel like the whole the world is stacked against you from 2 Chronicles 20:
1.) Turn your attention to seek the Lord (v.3)
2.) Call on others to pray (v.4)
3.) Reflect on who God is and what He's promised (v.6-12)
4.) Humble yourself (v. 12)
5.) Focus not on the worry, but God's presence with you (v. 17)
6.) Wait on the Lord and worship Him, who is fighting the battles on your behalf for His name's sake (v.15-19)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Give me faith...
Below is a new song that speaks directly to my heart....Maybe it will yours too. It's called, "Give Me Faith" written by Chris Brown,
Verse 1:
I need you to soften my heart
To break me apart
I need you to open my eyes
To see that You're shaping my life
All I am,
I surrender
Give me faith to trust what you say
That you're good and your love is great
I'm broken inside, I give you my life
Verse 2:
I need you to soften my heart
To break me apart
I need you pierce through the dark
And cleanse every part of me
I may be weak
Your spirit strong in me
My flesh may fail
My God you never will (repeat)
Monday, March 12, 2012
God's Little Affirmations...
Along the journey of the next season of our lives, I want to set mile markers, if you will, to highlight the faithfulness and affirmation of God. All to often in life, we are so focused on the future, that we overlook God's working in the present and consequently, we forget His working in the past!
Here are a six ways that God has clearly shown Himself thus far:
- As I was praying about the possibility of church planting, with the organizations in mind who are now partnering with me to do so, I was speaking with a brother whose wisdom I greatly value and respect. The conclusion of my conversations with him was that it would be beneficial for me at this point to be a part of a true gospel centered community and there was only two ways of really doing so: 1.) Get involved with a church planting residency program at church in the area 2.) Take an internship with a current church plant and engulf myself within that community. Twenty minutes after coming to this conclusion, I received a phone call from the pastor of OneLife Church, a three year old church plant, offering us an position which would include both of the elements that I had previously discussed with my dear friend. God gave us the opportunity to join a church planting residency program where we would have four benefits that most church planters do not have: 1) Partial Funding and Insurance 2.) The Opportunity for gaining weekly experiencing in all things Church Planting 3.) Weekly Coaching and Training from Experienced Church Planters 4.) Time to lay the theological foundation for the future church the Lord leads us to plant. I was blown away!
- The week I read my resignation letter to our church was a very tough and emotional week for me. I was struggling not with the decision I was making, but rather with standing to tell people whom I dearly love and have loved us greatly that we had to leave in order to do what the Lord was leading us to do. Usually on Sunday mornings I teach Connect, which is our children's worship service, that takes place during the main worship hour of our church. Every week I pull the next lesson from a curriculum that we've purchased and use it as a template for that week's lesson. I don't go looking for different topics within the curriculum, but I just turn to whatever the next scheduled lesson is and that's what I teach for that week. Get this: That same week I ended up reading my resignation letter to the church, the main point of that week's lesson was, "I Will Go Where Gods Leads Me!" I couldn't believe it! It was a little thing in the big scheme of things, but God's timing and encouragement amidst my struggle couldn't have been anymore precise!
- In John 14:13-15, the Jesus tells us: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, 'The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.' " In the short time that we've been walking down this path, we've seen that there is nothing easy about walking by faith! There are no shortcuts or ways to avoid the emotional toll that is part of the journey! We just simply have to take one step at a time, by God's grace, as we try to trust and obey Him in a world that doesn't understand why we're doing what we're doing and even looks down on us with pity. I cannot tell you another time in my life, however, where I've had a peace, confidence, and even joy like I do at this moment, while taking each step along this journey. When Jesus said that He would send His Spirit, the great comforter, and that He would speak to our hearts according to what He has heard from Him...I'm telling ya, I've never experienced the reality of that promise like I am now. Although it's not easy, my heart is bursting with a joy, a confidence, and a peace that truly surpasses all understanding. I've been waking up all throughout the night over the past couple weeks with a boldness and a confidence that's unexplainable and unquenchable. It's this presence and power of the Holy Spirit which is enabling me to greatly rejoice along this journey even when it hurts.
- On March 5th, since we did indeed know our moving date would be April 16th, we decided to go ahead and reserve a Uhaul in faith that God would somehow provide the funds to pay for the whopping $600 price tag that it cost to get truck these days! Wow! Two days later, we received a call from the pastor of OneLife, who's been working so hard, trying to make this transition for us as smooth as possible. He told us that the North American Mission Board provides $1000 in moving expenses within the support package they're giving us. Praise the Lord!
- We were invited to a leadership conference called, "Unleash", in Anderson, SC on March 8th, simply because some friends in TN had extra tickets and an extra hotel room. So we prayed about it for a little while (Get outta here!) and WENT! Little did we know, the Lord had sovereignly placed us at that conference in order that He could speak directly to us through the pastor there named Perry Noble. We might as well been the only two people in the room because everything that he said applied directly to where we are in this season of our lives. We weren't even planning on going to the conference, but God had a Word for us and He made a way for us to be there at that precise moment and place in time. Some bullet points from the conference were:
2.) Don't you dare apologize for the Big Vision that God has given You!
3.) Focus NOT on worry, but rather Focus on God's presence with you!
4.) God is calling you to take a step of faith...Remember that God specializes in "I don't think that can be done!"
5.) In ministry, you will be tested by God. Are you wanting gain without any pain?
6.) If you're in the middle of pain, you're probably closer to Jesus than you were before.
7.) So many times we go to God for permission and not submission.
8.) God tells us sometimes to close our eyes and run!
9.) "Jesus said to her, 'Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?' " - John 11:40
10.) Jesus took the best shot the world had to offer and He walked away having overcome the world. That same Jesus lives inside of us, through the person of the Holy Spirit, and as a result you too, can overcome anything that He places before you.
11.) His promise is greater than our problem.
- The last, but certainly not least of the affirmation of God is that of Support Received. Since we made the announcement, two weeks ago, we have received $3,675 in support including the $1000 in moving expenses from NAMB that we mentioned above. Now, do we still have a long way to go? YES! Would I have liked to have the $20,000 that we need to have been wrapped up in a pretty gift at the end of our resignation speech? Absolutely! However, God's timing is not my timing and through this journey of faith, we are learning to depend on Him as He takes this situation and drives us closer and closer to Him. Satan is at work and He would love to take our eyes off of the abundance that God has provided thus far and put them on the $17,325 that we still need, just as he did in the garden, taking Adam and Eve's eyes off the abundance that God had provided and putting them on the one tree God told them not to eat from. We are so thankful, however, for what the Lord has provided in just 2 weeks and through the financial support of very few people that have been the first to say to God I'm all in. GOD IS GOING TO PROVIDE! I'm so thankful for that certain reality. I'm not sure whose hearts He going to stir in order to do so, but I'm thankful for the opportunity, the great privilege, and the incredible honor to be used by God to make Him known to all who are looking on! Does God want to use you today? If so, you can join Him by going to
In Christ,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
How Jesus Is Tranforming My Life For Him
I received the gift of salvation on April 4, 1999 as a junior in high school. It was Easter Sunday and I had questions within my heart of whether I truly knew the Lord as my Savior. As a boy at the age of twelve I had been asked if I wanted to receive Christ with my cousins and so I went. However, as I grew up, I held onto doubts about whether I went to the altar that day because the church member had influenced me to go or as a result of Jesus Christ leading me to come. I remembered it fully, but I always had doubts until April 4, 1999. We had early service that morning and our youth pastor asked us to close our eyes and bow our heads. He gave a simple invitation and the Holy Spirit was weighing heavy on my heart convicting me of my sin and one question was resonating in my mind as I knew my life hadn’t portrayed what I had said I believed at the age of twelve, “Are you sure you’re really saved?” He asked us to raise our hands if there was any question about our salvation with the Lord. As vice-president of the youth group, I didn’t raise my hand because I was afraid of what he and others might think. The vice-president of the youth group is supposed to know if he’s saved or not, right? Wrong. I didn’t and that morning I didn’t raise my hand, but the Holy Spirit convicted my heart so strongly that as I returned home from church that afternoon, I fell on my knees beside my bed and asked him to come into my life and give me certainty that I could know forevermore.
I came from very humble roots and we had little while I was growing up, so as I became a young man, I dreamed that my life would be full of extraordinary things, such as owning a ranch, a nice car, a big house, and worldly treasures that today’s culture terms as happiness. However, as I’ve walked with the Lord, he’s shown only temporary happiness in these things and that Jesus Christ is the only true source of pure happiness that restores and divinely speaks to my heart in a new way every day. Jesus wired within me a big heart and with this big heart, big dreams. For what? I wasn’t sure, but I felt his call on my life ever since I was a young boy at seven-teen in the pulpit, speaking on behalf of my youth group. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it, but God had burned a message in my heart for our congregation, which had fallen deep in complacency. I got up in front of the church and simply spoke. After fearing that I would lack words to say, I was surprised that it seemed so easy because that day God spoke through me. The man that I heard speaking, didn’t even seem to be me, and as I look back I couldn’t tell you what I said, but I knew he had greatly affected the body of Christ through me. From that point I felt God leading me into ministry, but I thought to myself that this couldn’t be the path for me, because coming from nothing, I was determined that I was going to “make something of myself.” And so, I dismiss it and traveled on, on a quest to do so as I walked and grew as a Christian until the end of my junior year of college.
I had joined a fraternity, Kappa Alpha Order, my freshman year, but after our charter was pulled by our national organization as a result of the poor decisions of a few, I began to get involved with the Baptist Student Union on campus. I spent about a year there making several friends, evangelizing the campus, and growing deeper in my relationship with Christ, but I found myself torn between two worlds: my friends in the fraternity world and my friends at the Baptist Student Union. There was such a contrast between the two worlds. I had stood strong for Christ even while living in the fraternity house but after I left, I began to have a burning desire to help those that I had seen wasting their lives in the drunkenness and carnival of temptations present in the fraternity world. As a result, I sought counsel from my new Christian brothers at the Baptist Student Union about reaching out to that world. After getting mixed opinions about doing so, I decided that the picture of Christ in the Bible was one of being in the world, but radically different from it and therefore I decided I would attempt the same. Now I was young and naïve and not very smart, but had a huge heart and desire for that world to know Jesus I knew. I went into this environment with no accountability, no one praying for me, and alone amongst old and new friends in the fraternity world. As I said before, I was young, naïve, and dumb and the result? Instead of changing that world for Christ, which was my intention, I began to be changed by the world around me. It truly was a slow fade. A slow fade that went from not drinking at all, to having a sip, to having a beer, and then before I knew it, I had blended in with the crowd around me. I was deceived. I had been blinded by my sin which I didn’t even realize until 3 years later after the Lord graciously brought me back to Him. So from the end of my junior in college until a year after I got out of college, I journeyed on trying to resist the temptation around me, but struggling to overcome the peer pressure that comes with the drinking atmosphere. Although I knew my actions were wrong and in spite of my failure to overcome the temptations which faced me, I later realized that God still used my faults and my failures to bring glory to Himself. He took my bad and used it for His good.
A year after college, I began attending a church that was just down the road from the community where I was selling houses for Pulte Homes. Little did I know the church was First Baptist Church of Woodstock and the Lord began to awaken me through the ministry of Johnny Hunt. The Lord used Pastor Johnny’s ministry and a mission’s trip to Africa with an organization called Dream for Africa, to begin calling me back to Himself and His intentions and plans for my life. Upon returning from the mission’s trip from Swaziland, Africa, for the next several months I seemed to be lost. I struggled with God’s will for me in Atlanta and asked that he would show me his will for my life. I had everything I had ever wanted and I had finally “made something of myself”, but yet I realized I had nothing apart from Christ. So I began to search, asking God to show me his will for my life. God began to show me that all through my life He had truly carried me to where I was that day. You see, I always knew the next step; middle school to high school, high school to college and then in college God walked up and handed me an internship that I wasn’t even looking for. You see, I was only at this job fair because I had to write a paper for a class I was taking. The company approached me, which was an incredible story within itself that time doesn’t permit me to tell, and the next thing you know, I was going to Nashville, TN for an internship. From there I was offered another internship the next year with the same company and my boss which I had become good friends with, got a promotion to go to Atlanta as the VP of Sales, and he asked me to come with him, which was a blessing in disguise because they ended up firing almost the whole Nashville division a month before I was supposed to go. My point in telling you all this, you see, is that I know and recognize that God has carried me through life. If someone looked at my life not knowing the details, they could quite possibly attach some kind of credit or merit to my perceived accomplishments, but that would be far from the truth. God has truly carried me from having nothing, as a young boy hanging out with the wrong crowd, to success around every corner just as he did Joseph. I haven’t done anything spectacular it was simply God providing, directing and blessing my life, which I, in no way have or do deserve.
As I returned from Africa and was searching for his will, I felt him saying to me in my quiet times, “JR, I’ve carried you your entire life. Now it’s time for you to trust me and give up that which you’ve desired since you were a little kid.” I saw the story of Peter and the disciples applied to my own life when Jesus was standing out on the water calling them to come out of the boat. It was as if God was saying, “JR, come out to me, trust me, and I’ll show you the will I have for your life.” And so I kept searching and I prayed and asked, at that time, my fiancé to do the same. God used Shane Russell, our marriage counselor at First Baptist Woodstock, when he shared Proverbs 3:6 with me. He said, “JR, don’t worry about what God’s wanting you to do; Just acknowledge him in all your ways and he’ll make your paths straight.” I then began to ponder on how I could acknowledge him in all my ways to the “N-th” degree, fully seeking him as he revealed to me his will for my life. That’s when I believe God laid Southeastern on my heart. I’ve felt the call at different times along the journey, but always rationalized why it couldn’t be true. I keep coming up with questions and statements like, “What are those who have seen me fall going to think of me?… People are going to think I’m crazy for leaving a job where I’m making good money to go to seminary… and anyways, I’m not good enough for ministry” The Lord crushed all these doubts and fears as I searched deeper in God’s Word at the greats in the bible and their struggles along their journeys, such as Abraham, Moses, David, and Paul. He left me with no excuse and I knew I needed to pursue him, but I didn’t know how.
Growing up in a non-Christian home, I had little or no guidance as I grew into a young man and was always searching for the answers on how to live as a man of God. I never fully understood what it meant until I came to First Baptist Church Woodstock. I was blessed to sit under the teachings of what I call giants of the kingdom of God such as Johnny Hunt, Danny Singleton, Dr. Jerry Vines, and Shane Russell. I watched these gentlemen; how they spoke, how they lived, and how they reached out to those around them. For the first time, I realized the war could be won and a man could live true and real for Christ. Over this time, my dreams and goals seemed to change from that of having wealth and security to desiring to be at the end of life with a purpose and an everlasting goal attained. When it’s all said and done, I don’t want to look back and have a lot of things, yet a life with no meaning or purpose. Ecclesiastes 2:4-10, 17 portrays my heart best in my greatest fear for the end of my life as it says, “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” I’ve been blessed beyond anything I deserve and am grateful for the successes the Lord had given me: however, I’ve found no passion in pursuing the summit of the corporate mountain and I’ve by God grace, came far from that desire now.
The season of my life at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary was incredibly enriching. We were surrounded by solid biblical teaching and godly friendship that has sharpened us individually in our walks, as a husband and wife, and in our understanding of how we fit into the great commission. Upon entering Southeastern, I was sure that I was going to be a missionary in Africa, however the Lord had different plans. These plans included a season of darkness, not knowing where the Lord was leading, there was no light at all in understanding His will and as a result, I had to simply do all I knew to do and that was looking back at His faithfulness in my life, trusting Him, praying continually, sitting at His feet and reading His Word, while trying to see how and where He may be leading our family. I simply had to trust the Lord and reflect on His past faithfulness in order to take the two steps that were directly in front of me. With graduation on the horizon in August 2009 however, the Lord was faithful to reveal the gifts He had given me of counseling and preaching.Within that season, He also crossed my path with a good friend and dear brother, Pastor Jacob Green, whom I have had the privilege to serve with at Bethesda Baptist Church for the past two years. I will forever cherish my time at Bethesda Baptist Church and I'm thankful to God that He sent me to a church that greatly welcomed us with open arms, a sincere heart, and hearty portion of grace which allowed me an opportunity to be molded into the pastor I've become today.
The next season for life of our family will be spent engulfed in training for church planting. This season will not be an easy one. We will be taking a HUGE step of faith to become a resident of a church-planting residency program in Knoxville, TN. We will be taking a $35,000 pay-cut and I will have to supplement our income by working a part-time job and raising support. As of right now, I don’t have a job, we don’t know where we’re going to live, and we’ve got to raise $20,000 in two months to be able to survive. You see, there are many questions that need to be answered, but we are confident that this is the Lord's Will for our lives and where the Lord’s Will leads us, His grace will sustain us!
Many people and maybe many of you, will hear this story and say, This Dude is crazy! But I say no, this is the beauty of a faith that only God could precisely craft in us so that we not only have peace in this uncertainty, but great joy, knowing that our Lord is going to provide. Our prayer is that people would look on this situation and think we are insane and that that would create the opportunity for God to show up and proclaim to all who are looking on, that He alone is God and He is a faithful God who never forsakes His people whom He loves. In 2 Chronicles 20, there’s a story of King Jehoshaphat with three armies stacked against Him and he cries out to God, “These armies are stronger and mighty than we are and God, I don’t even know what to do, but my eye is fixed on you! And that’s where we are, stepping out with the faith that God has so graciously given us and we don’t know how are needs are going to be met, we don’t know the answers to a lot of questions that need to answered, but our eyes are fixed on our King! And some verses down in that story, God tells Jehoshaphat, “Do not fear or be dismayed, for the Lord is the with you and this is not your fight, but His….station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord.” And Church, this is where we’re at….we are tremendously anticipating with great excitement How the Lord’s going to show Himself…it’s like we’re standing at the edge of the red sea and we know it’s about to part and this thing is going to be AWESOME! We feel like were in a movie theatre with popcorn and a coke and the curtains are about to open and we’re saying, “Oh this is going to be good…We’re about to see God show Himself as the mighty and strong God that He is!" How’s he gonna do it? We don’t know gonna do it, but we are confident that He’s going to for His name's sake!
The Lord has planted a deep desire in my heart for making authentic disciples of Jesus who make authentic disciples of Jesus. I am determined to leverage all that I am and all that I have in the remaining days that the Lord graciously gives me on this earth to do just that. We want to engage the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and by God’s grace; we pray that our lives can illuminate the contrast between the gospel and the traditional religion of moral behavior. We pray that we can teach people what it means to abide in Christ daily and live powerfully in light of the resurrection, realizing the freedom Christ has given us from the temptation of sin.
In the coming months and years, we will desperately need and genuinely covet your prayers, support, and encouragement. We will, by God's grace, continue to walk one day at a time, trying to trust and obey our King wherever He leads. We're so thankful that He is a Big God who can be trusted and that just as the following two verses proclaim...In Him, we have nothing to fear:
" But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
- Is. 43:1-3
"Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you..." Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"
- Jeremiah 32:17, 26-27
God's Encouraging Word!
"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."
- Hebrews 11:1
"Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised."
- Hebrews 10:36
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
- Proverbs 3:5-6
"For we live by believing and not by seeing. "
- 2 Corinthians 5:7
"Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your reat power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you..." Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"
- Jeremiah 32:17, 26-27
" I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
- Psalm 27:13-14
" He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. i will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
- Psalm 91:1-2
"Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
- Matt 14:31
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
- Lamentations 3:22-24
"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."
- Psalm 139:9-10
" But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
- Is. 43:1-3
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
- Joshua 1:9
"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" - Romans 8:31
"As for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds."
- Psalm 73:28
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Moving Date Is Set
Come one, come all! No invitation or heads up needed! Just pop in and out whenever you're able! We'll be packing up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 13th- 15th of April and then setting out toward Tennessee on Monday morning the 16th. We're not exactly sure where we'll be headed as of now, but are confident that the Lord's going to come through! Until then, we'll focus on trusting Him one day at a time!
In Christ,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
We Don't Want Your Money...God wants your Obedience.
As we've set out toward this next season, our focus has been solely on trusting and obeying the Lord, no matter what the cost. We knew that as we set out on this journey, people would think we were crazy, as well as even disagree with us saying that this step was not a financially responsible and wise decision for our family.
I understand. I understand how this would be people's perception and I understand how they wouldn't get why we would sacrifice everything to follow where we believe the Lord is leading us to go. And I understand that most of the concern from people is found in truly just wanting what's best for us, because they love us. However, we, wholeheartedly disagree with what many people believe to be the "best" thing for our lives. We believe that the "best" is found in nothing less than obedience to our Savior and King, no matter what the cost. This is the picture in 1 Corinthians, where Paul pleads with the Corinthians not to be arrogant with what they have, but rather to imitate him in following Christ (4:16). He even goes so far as to say that "his dedication to Christ makes him look like a fool! (v.10)". Now, this is certainly where we find ourselves in the eyes of some folks, but we plead with you to imitate our faith by stepping out, not placing your weight on material things that will not matter in eternity.
My goal in this post, is to do two things: 1.) Clarify the reason that we asked each of you to support us and 2.) To plead with you, just as Paul in 1 Corinthians, to imitate the faith that God is working in us, with the understanding that faith is not just words, but faith requires action.
Over the past week, we've received tons of encouraging words from several people, but we've also received discouraging words as well. We've heard everything from " People will only support families because they feel sorry for them" to "How do you think you can just quit your job, and expect people to give you money when your not working." Again, although painful to hear, I completely understand how this could be the perception. However, again, I completely disagree that this is indeed the reality of what's going on. I would like to clarify, the one and only reason we've asked people to support us, but first, I would like to identifying now, some reasons that we are NOT asking you to give.
First, the reason we've asked you to give is not to support us while we're "not working." This mis-perception is that of me vegging out on a couch as I open envelopes that people have sent to support us. Terrible. In reality however, I'll actually be working 3 jobs: 1.) Working a part-time job in order to supplement our income 2.) Working at OneLife Church in Knoxville in order to gain church planting experience 3.) Working on the future church plant by laying a theological foundation for why and how the church will exist. A very different picture of vegging out and in fact, an almost overwhelming workload to do in just a year and a half before we'd begin to plant.
Second, the reason we've asked you to give is not that "you simply feel sorry for us". This mis-perception is one of our kids wasting away because they've not eaten in months or even that of us chasing a cute little childhood dream that makes you feel so empathic toward it's "cuteness" or "moral goodness" that you feel that you can't say no to giving.
Third, the reason we've asked you to give is not "If you give, you'll get to go to heaven" This mis-perception stands in direct contradiction to the Word of God itself, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Salvation is through Jesus alone and your giving will in no way give you merit when stand before Him.
Fourth, the reason we've asked you to give is not that you simply support Lindsey and I as people or as church planters. This mis-perception is one that finds itself dependent on the climate of our relationships with you or the success of the future church plant. In other words, when everything's good between us and/or the church plant is successful, then you'll be thankful that you supported us. But, when our relationship gets rocky and/or the church plant gets rocky, then you'll question your support for us.
Let me be clear: We don't want you to support us for any of the reasons above.
The one and only reason that we want you to support us is obedience to the Lord's leading your heart to be on mission with Him. We pray that God would stir your hearts out of delight for what He's done for you and is doing amongst the nations, that out of this delight, He would move you to obey Him if He tells you to support us.
It's here that we plead with you to imitate our faith. Faith is action. It's not just words. We don't have all the answers for the next season of our lives and it's obvious that God's going to have to do a work to provide for us, but we know that this is what the Lord's leading us to do and so, in our delight for what He's done for us and is doing amongst the nations, we simply step out on faith, but that faith is action.
Our prayer for you is that if the Lord's leading you to support us, then you would, in faith, take the step and obey Him. I don't know what your financial picture is, but I know that whether you're a millionaire or a high school student working your first minimum wage job, God delights, honors, and blesses obedience. God is overjoyed with those who obey Him. So we beg of you, if the Lord's working in your hearts to support us, in faith, obey God. Trust Him because He is faithful and He promises in 2 Cor. 9:10 that if you give, you will never run out of resources to keep on giving.
God wants to use many of you to provide for us in the work He's set before us. He wants to use His people to provide and care for His people in order that the Gospel would progress to all the earth. Will you join Him in His great work of salvation? Or will you turn your noses up with a myriad of excuses and miss out on the opportunity He's giving you to impact all of eternity? Please, if He's leading you to give, obey Him, not for our sake, but for His sake, that He would use us to make Him known because He truly is a good God and such a good God that 2 Corinthians 8:9 tells us, "For you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich."
We are so thankful to be rich in Jesus and so thankful that for His grace which enables us to obey Him. If the Lord's stirring your heart to give, will you, in faith, obey Him by going to and join Him in His work in and through us!
In Christ,